Lanark County Support Services
Lanark County Support Services provides supports to youth and adults with developmental disabilities living throughout Lanark County. Our main source of funding is the Ontario Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services (MCCSS), specifically Developmental Services, as well as direct payments from individuals and families (fee for service).
To Receive supports and/ or services for funded vacancies with LCSS, an individual must be confirmed eligible through Developmental Service Ontario-Eastern Region.
**LCSS can assist individuals with the Developmental Services Ontario Intake Process.

Spearheaded by a group of families in the Lanark County area, LCSS first started supporting adults with developmental disabilities in 1981 in Smiths Falls under the name Life Skills Lanark County. At it’s inception, the mandate was to provide adults with developmental disabilities the opportunity to become more independent in the community, at work and home through individualized, more person focused instruction.